Range Boolean Custom Field

I have the following custom field and I am trying to figure out how to make it specific to only certain samples with a particular label.  I am struggling as to where or how to put the Label reference in it.



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Best Answer

  • MJS
    Answer ✓
    Would something as simple as putting a label test with it work for your needs?  Assume the label "A" is what you've used for this particular grouping:

    EQ(Label, A)*RANGE(ROUND(Monomer[Height],-1),1000000,1700000)

    It may depend on how you are translating the results of the boolean range test and what you want the overall outcome if in vs out of range...so it may have to be a little more complicated depending on that.  It may be simpler from an organization standpoint if you have multiples like this, to use an enumerated list with the EQ function and call out the appropriate function based on the enumerated list.


  • Hi, it is possible to do a CF with two range specifications?
    For example: RANGE(Assay_Percentage,95,105.4)  and RANGE(Assay_Percentage,90,110.4)    
  • Yes you can, but I would suggest make an enumarted custom field with this.
    For example
    Give the respective values like,
    1: Within 95 - 105.4
    2: Within 90 - 110.4
    3: LT 90
    4: GT 110.4

    RANGE function is seen as a GT and LTE equation.

    Think about incorporating a rounding (ROUND) of your values. that will make it more easy to set a range custom field.

    RANGE(ROUND(Assay_Percentage,-1),95,105.4) that way 94.8 will be seen within the range function. Without the round function 94.8 will be outside of the range function. 
  • Thak you for the tips.

    I trayed with this


    But give me a Fail results and the result was 98.6%, is the formula correct?

  • I see for the first statement the "0" is used.
    So if the first statement is yes, the value or text at 0 will be given.
    if the statement is false, the next statement will be taken into consideration, and so on.

    So your 98.6 is ok for the first statement, than the result of your "0" value will be displayed.

    I see I mistyped at my previous post. It should be:
    0: Within 95 - 105.4
    1: Within 90 - 110.4
    2: LT 90
    3: GT 110.4

  • So, in this case I can´t use the statement "pass" or "fail" ? It is correct the used translation definition?
  • Jovvor
    edited December 2024
    If you want a pass/fail you must use a boolean function but then you are limited to just one statement.
    An enumerated is just a sequential of different boolean functions.
    The pass/fail is calculated in the back, in case of a fail result it will look to the next boolean statement.

    For your Translation, you could also do something like:
    within release specification for the first statement
    within stability specification for the second
    Out of specification for the third and fourth statement.

    It is whatever your preferences are.
  • Hi to all, 

    I traying to do a Range Boolean CF for 3 components, but doesn’t work.

    I am missing something: 



  • I think the & symbol is causing the issue here. Your argument asks for all 3 conditions to be satisfied at the same time. I would replace the & with the multiplication symbol * and this way if the first range argument is satisfied then Empower moves on to the second argument- if this is satisfied then again, Empower moves to the last one and if this final argument is satisfied then each positive argument is denoted by 1 as per RANGE, Bool syntax, so 1*1*1 = 1 and therefore the argument in the 1 position of the Translation Table  will be returned as the answer for the custom field. If any or all of the arguments are not satisfied then a 0 will be inserted into the answer, therefore 0*1*1 or 1*0*0 will always return 0, and hence the 0 position of the Translation Table will be returned. 


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