Injection stuck for prolonged period of time, no Empower messages, nothing in Waters HPLC log.

<p>The following problem occurs relatively frequently: Injection stuck for prolonged period of time, no Empower messages, nothing in Empower Message Center/ System Audit Trail/ Waters HPLC log.</p><p></p><p>The most recent example: Injection was stuck for 10 hours until user aborted the sequence. Empower showed run sample window which looked like set is running. Injection is not going, though. Waters HPLC displayed message: "Waiting for injection" In Empower Review window the injection shows message: "Data Missing"</p><p></p><p>Empower 3 build number 3471.</p><p>HPLC: Waters W2690/5</p><p>Detector: W2487 DAD, single channel used.</p><p></p><p>Anybody knows how to fix this? I would really appreciate it.</p><p>Regards,</p><p>               Andrey</p>


  • Make sure your IEEE cables are good, and that there is good contact between the devices and the cables.  They've given me a lot of trouble in the past.  Now I clean the copper contacts with a rubber erases from time to time.

    Hope that Helps.

  • Here's the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeWatersInstrumentsLog

    Flip the 0 to 1. If I recall that's all you need to do to enable logging. I wouldn't leave them enabled beyond your troubleshooting window though, we did seem to have an issue with the logging being a little resource intensive.

  • eugenealexander
    edited September 2017
    Thanx for this tip. It helped me with this problem