Height relative percentage calculation
I would like to calculate the height relative percentage of 5 components in an injection:
100% acetone --> 100%
80% acetone --> (Height(80% acetone)/Height(100%acetone))*100
60% acetone --> (Height(60% acetone)/Height(100%acetone))*100
40% acteone --> (Height(40% acetone)/Height(100%acetone))*100
20% acetone --> (Height(20% acetone)/Height(100%acetone))*100
I don’t know how to create the Custom Field and apply it to my table below:
Height Real % acetone
100% acetone 100
80% acetone xxxx
60% acetone xxxx
40% acteone xxxx
20% acetone xxxx
Can you please help me?
Many thanks in advance.
Best Regards.
I would like to calculate the height relative percentage of 5 components in an injection:
100% acetone --> 100%
80% acetone --> (Height(80% acetone)/Height(100%acetone))*100
60% acetone --> (Height(60% acetone)/Height(100%acetone))*100
40% acteone --> (Height(40% acetone)/Height(100%acetone))*100
20% acetone --> (Height(20% acetone)/Height(100%acetone))*100
I don’t know how to create the Custom Field and apply it to my table below:
Height Real % acetone
100% acetone 100
80% acetone xxxx
60% acetone xxxx
40% acteone xxxx
20% acetone xxxx
Can you please help me?
Many thanks in advance.
Best Regards.
You will have to create a custom field to extract the height of your 100% standard.
You can do that by creating a custom field based on the label of the standard.
For example 100% standard with label S100
Then create a custom field to extract that height.
Peak, Real, Formula: S100.1.Height , If you need an average: S100.%..AVE(Height) and give the custom field a name: S100_Height
This custom field will take the height of your injection with label S100 or the average of all injections with S100 as a label.
Then create a custom field where you divide the height by the 100% standard height
Peak, Real, Formula: Height/S100_Height
That should calculate what you want.
For best results, batch process your sample set and put a summarize custom field function at the end of the sequence.