Cross Sample Set custom calculation query

Hi All. Im wondering if cross sample set custom calculations are possible. Im looking to take areas of 5 injections from one sample set and include them in a calculation in another sample set?


  • Yes, but it involves changing the Search Order of the custom field to Result Set First and honestly this is a very very seldom used option and for good reason, as Empower normally crashes out when looking for different labels and CF results across all the data sets within the project. It is technically doable but I would suggest keeping it very simple and avoid summary functions at all costs as thats where the crashing often occurs mid- formula. 
    For your 5 injections CF-peak, real, result set first.  multiple labels (im guessing here): U1.1.(Area)+U3.1.(Area)+U6.1.(Area)+U10.1.(Area)+U12.1.(Area) (your labels should be unique and not repeated in another sample set)

    For the second CF: Peak, Real, Result Set First: 
    For example- Area/CF1

    Then when you process the second sample set it should only look for the most recent value for CF1 (and if your labels are unique then only one result) and give you your result.