How to stop the table view resetting when changing View Filter in Browse Projects?

We have multiple view filters for the "Peaks" tab in "Browse Projects" to allow users to filter and view Result Set data.

We select a Result Set, click "View As>Peaks" and it will display that data with the currently selected view filter.

However when we want to change the view filter to display the data in a different manner, the software automatically defaults back to displaying ALL peak data currently in the project. Meaning the user has to go back to the Result Sets tab and go through the "View As" process again which is a pain.

Is there a way to "lock" the the data in the tab so when cycling through different view filters it doesn't reset which data we are specifically looking at?



  • Put the 'Result Set id" field in your view filter and use "=#" in the field.
    If you select the view filter you will get a pop up where you have to type your result set id (e.g =8568)

  • Hello, thank you for your reply, unfortunately the "Result Set id" field is not available in the "Peaks" tab. 
  • Hey, maybe use sample set id? but that wont work if you have more result sets out of one sample set.
    I have no other ideas how to do this.
  • That's disappointing, for an industry standard piece of software, I would expect things like this to be ironed out. Thank you for your help regardless!
  • Empower2019
    edited December 2024
    There is a way to lock this data to keep only the current amount of peaks but viewed through a different filter. 
    In your View Filters, add Result # field to the view and in the first cell right click and select Group By and select:

    To Find Peaks with MAX Result # where peaks are grouped by Result ID. Reason I pick that instead of Result Set ID is that manually generated results will supersede Result Set IDs and will not be displayed so Result ID keeps all current results. 

    Do this condition for all your Peak View Filters and then when you View Result Set as Peaks and want to cycle between different views, the current data only will be displayed. 

    Edit: Im sorry that didnt work, i tested in a project with only 1 result set so the results were always going to have the same number of peaks! There should be a way to do it I agree but I cant see it right now. 
  • Hello, thank you for your reply. I tried your suggestion and it didn't work, I adjusted all my "Peak" view filters to how you described and the view would still reset to all peaks when I changed view filter. Is there anything I might be missing from my filters which could be stopping this from working? I have attached a picture of one of our filters to this comment.
  • I wonder if you put in a condition in the Date Processed field to =Today would that lock in all the displayed results in your peak view filters to only values that were processed today but that would only work with data processed that day so I don't think it's useful for reviewing older result sets. 
  • Yeah, I'm sure there is a way to do it (at least I hope there would be!), it seems like an odd issue to overlook given how much the software want's you to utilize the "View Filters" feature.
  • Jovvor
    edited December 2024
    Hey tellwood,

    I have been told that it is not possible to use view filters on a sequential base as it will always refer back to the entire tab data if you switch from view filter.
    Best way to do this is by adding multiple view filter queries in different fields by entering =# in the field.
    That way you get a pop-up and you can add data in to filter on.

    That is probably the most interesting way to filter your data if you wonna try and do it sequentially.