Strong Wash Syringe Leak Failure

My wash syringe leak test is failing after PM, only the strong side failed. No leaks were observed. Strong wash syringe replaced again, but the results are the same. Put the original syringe back on and still failing. Looking for ideas on what to try next


  • Hello, this could just be a bad Wash Block Valve which is the PEEK block that all of the wash lines connect into. Depending on the type of system you can either pull out the fluidics drawer and observe any corrosion on the valves (sometimes they look clean) or take of the side and look at those valves. If so then that part will just need replaced. You can also take a union and connect the two peek lines going into your Sample Syringe valve and re-run the test. If it passes then that can indicate that your leak is somewhere on that metering syringe valve on the front. Also make sure to just trace all of those lines in case anything is not tight, any leak on that path going from the valve to the syringes to the VDD and transducer could cause a leak test to fail. Hope it helps!