Impurity sample set method

edited July 2024 in Software Products
I need to calculate the Impurities of three Samples. In the sequence, after the sample injection, I have two Ref:
- Ref B, that contains only a peak of standard impurity B
- Ref C, that contains only a peak of standard impurity C

the calculation is: (Area imp B (Sample)/Area imp B (RefB))*0,5 
same for imp C and unknown impurities (using Imp C standard peak)

every sample has its own Ref B and Ref C (as in the sequence in the image). 

I've made the Custom Fields but I don't know how to work for the sample groups only.

for example IMP B= (CCompRef1[Area]/SB%.%.(CCompRef1[Area]))*0.5

Can someone help me?


  • I would suggest, as your calculation is very simple, to not use custom fields for this.

    Just fill in your component amount in as 0.5 for your standard injections for impurity B and C.
    Only fill in B for your standard B and C for standard C.
    Than quantitate your sample with these settings.

    The amount calculated for the samples are the impurity % amounts.

    It is not necessary to use custom fields for this, it will only make it more difficult.
  • You're right, I was doing the hard way!  :s
    For the imp B and imp C it works, but I have also to use Ref C area to calculate unknown impurity.. and I don't know how to set it.  

    Can I also ask if the sequence is correct? (labels in particular)

    thanks for the help, you are really the best!
  • set in the processing method your Imp C component as a Default peak (it is a tickbox in the components tab from the processing method)

    Every unknown peak will be calculated against the default peak curve.

    Your sequence looks allright to me.

    Only the summarize custom field is a tricky one. It will always look back to all your injections in your sequence. Depending what you want to calculate with it, it might not work.
  • You only need Summarize Custom Fields when you are using summary equations in custom field formulas for example AVE, MIN. MAX, PROD, %RSD and SUM. If any of those mathematical fields are in your equation, Empower requires the SCF function in the sample set in order to instruct it to review each line again and calculate inter-sample summary equations. Its also needed if you want to keep all non-summary custom field results in each sample of your sample set, for example, a formula such as (SAME.1.(Amount)+SAME.2.(Amount)/2) and with the All or Nothing ticked to Yes would display the result of the custom field on BOTH injection 1 and 2. Without SCF included and with All or Nothing ticked, the result would only display on injection 2. 
  • Thank you both! :) 
    I have the last question.. if I set Imp C as Default peak, when Imp C peak is missing 
    the line in the table is colored red. This setting is changeable?

  • Yes it can be done.
    Right click your table and go to table properties. click on fonts.
    Choose "Faulted data" and edit the font.
    Than it will no longer be red. Click on File --> Save preferences to keep the settings next time.

    I don't know if that is a user setting or project settings. I never changed it.
    So it might be that in your report the Imp C will be red again, but you can change it again to your likings.

  • Its changeable in the report method. If you want to change it in the review window, right click the E symbol at the top left of window and select Fonts. For faulted font change from the red bold text to black regular text and then File Save preferences. Be aware though that default and internal standards and Must peaks are peaks that will automatically fault if not found in the window.
  • thank you all!