Print overlay chromatogram with legend

Hi everyone, 

With Empower, do you know if it is possible to print a chromatograms overlay with the legend that indicates which chromatogram corresponds to which sample ? 

Thank you in advance and have a nice day  :)


  • Hey Emeline,

    If you have a report method with a chromatogram, you can right click on the chromatogram to get access to the properties.
    You will find a tab for the overlay settings.

    if you select, for instance overlay in single plot, the chromatograms will be visible in one plot. (don't forget that your report type is a "summary by all" type, else you cannot make overlays offcourse)
    In the legends tab you can choose which information you can make visible under the plot.

    The different chromatograms are coloured coded and the colour of the chromatogram corresponds to that of the legend.
    So red chromatogram corresponds to that of the red legend, green with green and so on. You can change colours as you like.

    The printed version must be in colour, else you will lose the ability to see which one corresponds with which sample.

    Kind regards