How to create a single calibration curve with 5 components from one injection?

We have a gel filtration marker that contains 5 different components of different molecular weights (MW):
Component A : 2.83
Component B : 2.20
Component C : 1.64
Component D : 1.23
Component E : 1.00
The gel filtration marker is injected in n=1.
For the calibration curve, the retention time (RT) is to be used as the y-value and the molecular weight (MW) as the x-value. We have created two custom fields for this and selected the two corresponding CFs under Y Value and X Value in the processing method. Each of the 5 components has been given a different name in the component table in the processing method.
Empower creates an individual calibration for each of the 5 components:
Calibration 1: RT of Component A vs. MW of Component A
Calibration 2: RT of Component B vs. MW of Component B
However, we only want to have a single calibration curve with all 5 components:
Calibration: RT of Component A, B, C, D, E vs. MW of Component A, B, C, D, E
We need the R^2 value at the end.
Does anyone have an idea how we can implement this?