How to get a Correlation Coefficient in Empower 3 without Peaks and with Custom Fields


I have an excel calculation that I would like to process directly in Empower 3. The raw data are coming from one chromatogram / injection without peak integration. Just some gradient adjustments were made to show multiple plateaus  or steps in the chromatogram. Then Custom Fields are taking specific timepoints, e.g. 5 min, 15 min, etc., from these plateaus and multiply them by 1000 to get a different unit (CF: Yvalue(xy) * 1000 ). 

Now I would like to use these Custom Field values to calculate a correlation coefficient. The timepoints from the custom fields and the corresponding values taken should now be tested for correlation. In excel this calculation of two data sets achieved with the CORREL command. 

Unfortunately I have not found an example on how to do that with Empower. Does anyone have such an example for me?

Thank you in advance