RRT Impurity: change decimals to 2

The empower allows to name RRT peaks if you specify name of the RT reference on components tab. I see that the RRT peak is labeled with 3 decimals.  e.g. RRT ~0.336.

Is it possible to change number of decimals to 2 decimals? e.g. RRT ~ 0.34


  • Hi devendra_S,

    I'm not entirely sure where you are looking to make this change, but assuming it is in the Review or Preview window - and using Empower 3, this article may help.

    Good luck!
  • Hi Marc,
    Thank you for your reply. The RRT ~0.336 in my example is listed under Name field and there is no option to change precision or uncheck "Use exponential Notation"
  • You can use the peak field RT Ratio to adjust the decimals. So if you get a peak RRT 0.667, then add RT Ratio to the peak review/report field, right click to get Column Properties and here you can adjust the number of decimals and activate exponential notation etc. In this case you can report the peak as 0.68, it will still say RRT 0.667 as the name of the peak, but if you add RT Ratio, you can display the same peak with different decimals. 
  • Thank you.