Report text when peak is missing

Hi everyone,

I need your help on the creation of a custom field with Empower. 
Here's the situation : I created a method for residual solvents and I created a custom field to calculate the solvent content (Teneur_ppm is the name of the cf). 

I would like to create a custom field to report my results depending on the content value :
  • If content > 50 ppm : report the calculated value 
  • If content < 50 ppm : report "< 50 ppm"
  • If solvent peak is not detected : report "Solvent < 50 ppm (ND)" 
I'm problems with the last one, if peak not detected. 
I thought of a peak boolean cf but I'm not sure it will work 

ENUM(LT(Teneur_ppm,50),EQ(Peak Type,"Missing")*1*-60002)

And then I use translation table to report what I want. 

Can you help me ? 

Have a great day

Best Answers

  • Ashraf_Al
    Answer ✓
    Peak Custom Field, Real with Missing Peak Box checked and All Peak Types. EQ(Int Type, "Missing")*-1*60002
  • Ashraf_Al
    Answer ✓

    Peak Custom Field, Real with Missing Peak Box checked and select All Peak Types.

    GTE(Teneur_ppm, 50)*Amount + LT(Teneur_ppm,50)*-1*60008+ EQ(Peak Type, “Missing”)*-1*60002


  • Thank you for answering !! If I put "GTE(Teneur_ppm, 50)*Amount+...", will it report my solvent content in ppm that I calculate with my CF Teneur_ppm or will it report only the amount calculated by Empower ? (My formula for CF Teneur_ppm is Amount*10^6) 

  • Or can I use "GTE(Teneur_ppm, 50)*Teneur_ppm + LT(Teneur_ppm,50)*-1*60008+ EQ(Peak Type, “Missing”)*-1*60002" ?