Can I calculate %RSD of area of a definite vial from a sample set
Can I calculate %RSD of area of a definite vial number from a sample set (such as -vial number 3) using custom field - vial.3.%..%RSD(Area)? At first 1 injection from vial number 3 and then 4 injections from the same vial number 3 at different row of a sample set. And label is different for 1 injection and 4 injection. so, we can not use label for %RSD calculation. But I need calculate %RSD of 5 injection together. Please any body help me.
Best Answer
Hey Jahangirl1986,
Maybe a late response, but that is not possible if you don't give the same label.
Only possible to do this, is within your report by making a table with the components of interest than going in the table properties. order by and filter by vial 3.
Than you can add the %RSD field to the column of the Area and you will have the %RSD of this vial.