How can I link results from any SampleSet to a current SampleSet within a Project?

How can I link results from any SampleSet to a current SampleSet within a Project? Keyword, Content Uniformity!


  • You could use an identifying custom field in the sample set to aid identifying the samples by batch, timepoint and conditions etc then you can use a view filter in the Results tab of the project which includes the Sample Set Method reference and that way you can link results from (for example) Month 1 to Month 6 etc.
  • thomjo
    But I would like to carry out an evaluation together with the new and old results. I would like to link two independently evaluated analyses and evaluate their sample results together.
  • Is there any common custom field in the two sets of data which you could use in a View Filter which you can set up in the Results Tab? For example Lot number, then set up a condition in the view filter with Lot Numbers between X and Y. View all result sets as results, using this view filter, and you will be able to select whatever old and new data you like to evaluate/overlay and report.  
  • thomjo
    Many thanks for the explanations so far, some of which have been helpful. Now once again the initial situation. I have a SampleSet for 10 samples to determine their content uniformity. But I do not meet the AV value. Now I have to examine 20 more samples. So and now my problem, how can I combine the 10 initially measured sample results with the 20 newly measured samples so that I can evaluate the parameters for the Content Uniformity of the 30 samples?
  • Create a process only sample set by selecting the Sample Sets or Injections/Channels you want to combine and press the "Create Process Only Sample Set" icon, which allows you to merge multiple injections into 1 line or split a multiple injections line into separate lines. you should drag and drop the lines as you see fit, so organize the sample set such that your first 10 samples are first, then the following 20 samples after that. The sample set will be processed line by line so set it up as per the first 10 samples, then the other 20. Process as usual to get results for the combined 30 results.
  • thomjo
    So the first 10 samples are processed a second time and I get new results. But these results can differ from the first results. This is not a problem if the automatic evaluation works. It is a problem with results obtained by manual integration of the chromatograms. With Process only it is not possible to process with the command "use excisting integration" to avoid the problem described above.

  • Are you trying to get the exact same results for the first 10 samples as you did originally? if so, view original results as processing methods and save that version as current. Then in the Method Set column of the process only sample set, use a method set with that processing method for those lines and for the other samples use a method set with another processing method, or file, save as the original processing method with a slightly different name eg _1 at the end. Save and process your process-only sample set. You will get the exact original results for the first 10 and the remaining results processed as per the _1 processing method.