2695 Alliance error: Column temp h/w fault (5)
I have been encountering the error "Column temp h/w fault (5)" on a 2695 Alliance. I tried to ignore the alert and run a diagnostic test on the column heater. 5 seconds into the diagnostic test for the column heater,
the test is interrupted by the error message.
The help manual suggests that this error means one of the following:
- Broken communication to the heater
- Circulating fan failure
- Internal temperature exceeded the limit
I unplugged and re-plugged the column heater –not a connection problem.
The heater temperature was set to 37 deg C, and the operational temperature was 24 deg C.
When I try to switch off the heater and run the method, the same error message pops up.
The column heater doesn't have a on/off switch, so there is no way to isolate the component or work without it.
Please provide suggestions on how I can resolve this.
If you shut the column temp control off in your instrument methods, you should be able to run at ambient temp.0
Dan_Ramlose said:If you shut the column temp control off in your instrument methods, you should be able to run at ambient temp.