Export Report Methods

Anyone use these in Empower 3? Im trying to convert some chromatograms to an Excel file which show the data points on each peak, im told an export method can do this, but when I set up a blank Excel file on my desktop and try to export a report table over, I get nothing, just blank. Im new to it, so I presume you need to include a chromatogram group in the report? If anyone has used them, I would appreciate some insight, thanks!


  • I'm a bit confused by your wording...so, what you want is an Excel file of all the individual datapoints that make a chromatogram?  so time and corresponding absorbance for each injection...
  • Yes, I have seen this before where an Excel file displays the chromatogram but with distinctive dots from peak liftoff to touch down representing data points, which cant typically be shown as far as I know. Outside of this too, I don't know how you can "open" any exported file. Have you used it much and if so what files do you use?

    I understand you can export database fields and tables etc but when I pick a location to save it into, I cannot open the file to show any meaningful data. 
  • Maybe to get the raw data and the peak markers, you have to do a little magic in Excel.

    Maybe first, export the raw data:
    You can export the raw data for excel.  Then using markers and all the other tools you can make it look however you want for how distinctive you want the points to look.  I'm sure there's another way, but it can be as simple as an export method where you use the "Raw Data" tab at the top rather than the "Fields" or "Report" tabs.  Enter a file name, click "File" next to ASCII and enter a valid path like you would for any other export method.  Ensure the "Export Time Column" is checked and the defaults should be fine.  Column A will then be time and column B will be the absorbance.

    Note that this will need you to export from an injection/channel/result, I think.  It won't give you a full result set in a single file.  If you do choose to add any export fields, they will just appear at the top and push the time/absorbance fields down a few rows.

    Then, export the peak data (may also be in the same export method as above, but will generate a second export file):
    Standard "Field" export method where the export data table includes the peak start/end times.

    Then the excel magic...I haven't done this so this is just a guess based on where I think I'd go with it, but if only once or twice where you could probably just do it manually, maybe try this:  You could set it up to chart a lined scatterplot of the raw data as one data source and then plot the start/end times as a second with markers on perhaps?  for anything semi-automated, perhaps a vlookup formula to get the data sets better formatted to automate matching up the start/end time to the absorbance to then plot a line between those data points?
  • also note that the raw data file format will likely require you to drag and drop into an open excel window or for you to do the file...open approach as it is not a typical excel-ready file suffix.  If doing it often, you can always tell Windows to do this otherwise.
  • Export method for Channels - there's your raw data. I use them all the time to figure out gradient linearity in LC calibration exercises.
  • Thanks very much for the comments guys that's after giving me a great starting point.