Purity factors >100% in component editor?

Is there a better way than switching to a decimal fraction and tacking a couple of zeroes onto the dilution factor when you have a standard purity factor >100%? The component editor doesn't want to take anything >100% and it doesn't look like a regular CF where that can be changed... open to suggestions.

Best Answer

  • Empower2019
    Answer ✓

    Cant you incorporate the purity into your Value? By working out the concentration already? Say you weigh out 10mg into 50mls of a 110% pure standard, which would be a (10/50)*(110/100) = 0.22 mcg/mL, this goes into Value and bypasses Purity. Only Empower 3 FR4 onwards allows the use of values up to 150% in the Purity Tab.

    Failing that, I cant see another way for this except as you mention and put the purity in the Samplweight column of the standard and 100 in the dilution column. That only works if all components in a standard mixture share the same purity value, too.


  • Cant you incorporate the purity into your Value? By working out the concentration already? Say you weigh out 10mg into 50mls of a 110% pure standard, which would be a (10/50)*(110/100) = 0.22 mcg/mL, this goes into Value and bypasses Purity. Only Empower 3 FR4 onwards allows the use of values up to 150% in the Purity Tab.

    Failing that, I cant see another way for this except as you mention and put the purity in the Samplweight column of the standard and 100 in the dilution column. That only works if all components in a standard mixture share the same purity value, too.

    *I* prefer to just do the finished standard concentration, taking purity, dilutions etc. into account and entering a single number, but I have some users who would rather enter mg, purity and dilution separately. I would not advise putting the purity in the sample weight field... applying sample properties to components always blows up as soon as you add a second component.

    That said, I guess I won't have a problem as soon as we migrate to FR 5. I missed that they had changed the purity field properties.