Output unit selection (absorbance mAU -> AU)
Hi there,
ist it possible to convert my Output Absorbance (Y-value) from mAU (recieved from our PDA) tu AU. I think that we have, due to the fact that we have mAU, Problems concerning Peak purity.
Empower tells me, when created a PDA PM, that i have my Maximum Absorbance of 250 AU instead of mAU.
Hi,Have you looked for answers to your question in our Waters Knowledge Base? Lots of great information in there. You can even find KB articles by searching for them using a search engine like Google.Check out support.waters.comRegards,Justin Kelley1
worth looking at for hplc and output option
https://www.agilent.com/cs/library/service/Public/LC Hardware_Equivalance_Measurement-LC_col8.pdf
1000 mAU = 1 AU.
For PDA recommend not to exceed 1 AU (max 880 mAU but not below 550mAU)
Low signal intensity will mean S/N ratio possibly < 10 and chance small variances in the baseline will cause a failure of the peak purity test (purity angle < purity threshold
Also what threshold are you using (Auto , Noise + solvent or Noise or solvent)?