Best way to re-add a deleted peak in TargetLynx 4.1?

Hi everyone, 

So I'm wondering how I can easily re-add a peak that was deleted/modified and saved? I can still see the broken line, but when I press "add peak" under the modified peak, nothing happens. 

A peak had a flagged ion ratio so an analyst deleted the peak and pressed "Save modified peaks." I want to re-add the peak, since it's a metabolite peak and the parent compound is present in blood. Therefore the metabolite peak is very likely not a false positive, and ion ratio flag due to column overload (because the peak is rather large). 

How can I re-add the same peak? Is it possible? 

Adam Bauer 

Best Answer

  • LSchlittenbauer
    Hi Adam,
    you can re-add the deleted peak by using the original peak baseline (still shown after deleting the peak as a dotted line). Drag and drop the line closely to its original position and you will have again an integrated peak.

    - if baseline is not shown: right mouse click > Display Options > Chromatogram > Style > activate: "Show Original Peak Baselines" > OK.
