One sample prep, 2 separate standard curves for 1 component?

We're doing a pharma assay and impurities assay. The method calls for an assay standard as well as a less concentrated impurity standard (dilution of same component standard stock).
Is there a way to have the API peak amount calculated against the assay standard *and* have all other peaks calculated against the lower standard with one processing method?

Life would be easy if we could just do a single standard curve using both levels, but that's not what the customer method calls for.


  • What if you set different CCompRef and Curve Reference values for API and other peaks?
  • DavidHPLC said:
    What if you set different CCompRef and Curve Reference values for API and other peaks?

    I'll have to try that...
  • If that doesn't work, I have a historical method that we approached it through the processing of the sample set where we used a high value curve for assay and a low value curve for impurities.  So, a calibrate on the high std and quantitate on the samples, clear the curve, calibrate the low std and quantitate the samples again.  The benefit for us on this approach is that we would use two different processing methods.