What does this messsage means: "Starting analysis aborted via CAN" ?


Hi, during acquisition of a sample set the system remained in Waiting for Injection state after the third injection.  The run did not aborted, however, the  error message  "Starting analysis aborted via CAN" was logged in the Message Center for the failed module (Agilent VWD detector). Other two systems were running on the same LAC/E.

Have you seen this before?



  • This is one of the most generic error messages that an agilent system will give. Typically it means that there was a network connection error somewhere. Either one of the modules was lost, there was in IP conflict, or someone really aborted the run. 
  • Check if someone (un)plugged  Agilent Instant Pilot.
  • Hi, "Starting analysis aborted via CAN" is a error statement in empower. CAN means in agilent every module connecting through LAN cable. i.e CAN cable not LAN cable. come to the subject error if any module is getting problem during analysis empower unable to read exact error massage, because it is an agilent product, then immediately agilent detector send the massage to all modules stop the running activity. then all modules indicator lights turn in to orange colour. The empower unable to understand the agilent language that's why always displays "Starting analysis aborted via CAN"  only....