PDA vs. LC processing method

1. Can you process regular UV detector (non PDA) data with a PDA processing method in Review? Does it work "out of the box" or do you have to derive a channel for the wavelength used?

2. How does the size of a report with a LC processing method differ from the one with PDA? For, as in the example above, processing non-3D data..

Best Answers

  • MJS
    Answer ✓
    1) Yes.  The only practical difference is that the PDA processing method adds some extra tabs that otherwise only mean something to PDA data which can be a little confusing for some users, in my experience (e.g. Purity tab which isn't useful without full PDA data).

    2) I can't imagine it would be any more than a page or two to cover the extra fields/tabs that a PDA processing method adds.  I don't print the PMs, so I can't say for sure how impacted the report(s) would be though.
  • MJS
    Answer ✓
    So, report file size like the pdf you could save?  I suppose I'd estimate a few more kB, but how sensitive are you to disk space?  Whether or not you have extracted channels or not, the pdf report you save (or print on paper as needed) is all about how you have that configured.  From glancing at a few of my pdf files, I've got one sitting at 20 pages, and around 4 to 6 pages at around 211 to 230 kB (depending on the number of injections).  Another report pdf sits at 30 pages or so and is around 420 kB.  Yet another is 53 pages and is at 617 kB.  But again, it is all about how you have it configured as someone else in the group has a 7 page report that is only 94 kB. 

    Overall, if your report includes the full PM configuration and you've inadvertently selected the PDA PM, I don't see it adding anything significant to the pdf file size.


  • BL_
    MJS, thanks for clearing that up.

    Regard 2) I am interest in the report file size. I imagine, since you do not extract any channels, that file size should be approximately the same?