Empower2 control of Agilent LC 1200 via RS-232

<p>Hi.</p><p>We have an Agilent 1200 LC stack without detector. Autosampler or pump don't have a LAN-interface installed. So, is there any possibility to control the Agilent LC with Empower 2 (FR5) via RS-232? Additionally we want to use a Waters detector (W474) in the same system.</p><p>Regards, Hauke</p>


  • Dot


    You will need a LAN interface to connect the Agilent 1200LC stack.   This system cannot be controlled using PC Com port or serial connection.

    The Waters 474 Fluorescence Detector can be connected to PC Com port or serial connection (Equinox).  The 474 detector cannot be connected by Ethernet or busLAC/E.

    I hope this information is helpful.


  • Thanks for your reply, Dot.

    We tried control of the 1200LC stack via RS232 with no success, but were not sure if it was firmware/driver version related. By now we have a LAN interface installed in the autosampler of the LC stack. I have to add an inject-start trigger connection is needed for control of the system with a W474.

