<p>We are facer a problem with EMPOWER 3.</p><p></p><p>It is installed on a network with a Windows 2008 Server clients are installed on Windows 7 (64 bits).</p><p></p><p>We have several disconections from server, after disconection you have to re-enter on the application.</p><p></p><p>The disconection ramdomly appears and the error message is "ORA-3113 DATABASE CONECTION MISSING" </p><p></p><p>This error is very common on Oracle Databases and it is not very easy to identify the source of the problem.</p><p></p><p>We have tried several things, but no luck.</p><p></p><p>Any ideas.</p>


  • Dot


    A few suggestions can be offered using the limited information provided:

        1. Insure Windows Defender service is OFF.2. Configure antivirus package to not scan the Empower folders during acquisition.3. Configure any antivirus package that includes intrusion monitoring not to monitor the Instrument LAN.4. Review logs (Empower alert log, Windows alert logs) for other errors/warnings logged during this time.5. Apply SR1 if not already applied (not applicable if running Empower 3 FR1.

    If the behavior persists, contact Tech Services or your Waters representative for assistance.

    Kind regards
