Sample loop size in acquity system

<p>Hello , I have recentely injected samples using UPLC acquity system with 5uL sample loop size ,</p><p></p><p>the problem was when I printed the instrument method details it showed a wrong sample loop size value of : 10uL</p><p></p><p>Have you any idea why or how can I fix it ? </p>


  • lizh


    Can you tell us the data software that you are using and the ACQUITY UPLC driver version. That would help. Also teh injection mode that you were using.

    Many TX


  • Sample Loop size is set in the Acquity Console. Open the console and select the Sample Manager module. From the Configure Menu select Volumes. Set you loop size here. You also need to characterize the needle and loop volumes when changing the sample loop.


  • Hi Liz ,

    the data software that I'm using is Empower and the ACQUITY UPLC driver version was recently updated to 1.4 ,

    and since that update I started to see this info about sample loop size;

    the injection mode used is PLNO .

    the loop size was set to 5uL in the console as it should be .

    Regards ,


  • lizh

    Great that this is the issue.
