Customizing Problem I

<p>Hello,</p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>the following situation is given:</p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>- a sensitivity solution with a nominal concentration of 0.100 % shall be prepared; the target weight is 100 mg of a working standard (100 %)</p><p>- the working standard has an amount of 99.5 %, the real weight is 104.2 mg</p><p>- thus, the sensitivity solution has a real concentration of 0.104 %</p><p>- the sensitivity solution is injected at the start and at the end of a sequence</p><p>- the two peak areas are: 22788 and 24612</p><p>- the mean value is: 23700</p><p>- 23700 for a 0.104% solution corresponds to 22859 for a 0.100% solution</p><p>- for the calculation of impurities, all peak areas below 22859 (= disregard limit) have not to be considered </p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>Target:</p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>- input of the real weight of the working standard in a field</p><p>- input of the amount of the working standard in a field</p><p>- processing/reporting in a way that peaks with an area higher than the disregard limit are listed only</p><p>- the sum of these peaks areas shall be calculated, excepted: a) peaks eluting before a certain time / b) main peak</p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>How can I do this using custom fields and other functionalities of Empower 2?</p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>Thank you very much for every hint.</p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>Regards</p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>Florian</p>