6890 GC Lit Offset parameter in Empower software
<p>Hello-</p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>In Empower 2 FR 5, Waters added control of the Agilent 6890 GC FID and FPD Lit Offset parameters. The Lit Offset value determines the threshold for automatic reignition of the detector's flame. </p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>When a new instrument method is created in Empower 2 FR 5, the FID (or FPD) Lit Offset value is set to 0.0 pA by default . However, a non-zero Lit Offset value is required in order to trigger automatic flame ignition if the flame should happen to go off during the course of a running sample set. Otherwise, the detector gases would continue to flow even if the flame was off. <strong>The recommended default setting for Lit offset is 2.0 pA.</strong> </p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>An enhancement request - SCR #44424 - was submitted to change the Lit Offset default setting to a non-zero value. The enhancement is being considered for a future update to Empower 2.</p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>Waters would like to get your input regarding another possible change, to require a non-zero value for Lit Offset. Do you feel that it is useful to have the option of setting a zero value for Lit Offset, or would you prefer that the minimum allowed value be raised, perhaps to 0.1 pA?</p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>If these changes are implemented, new 6890 GC instrument methods would then use the new Lit Offset default value and also disallow a zero value entry.</p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>Would you be in favor of implementing both of these proposed changes in Empower software? How would the changes affect any of your SOPs? </p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>Your input and any related suggestions are greatly appreciated. </p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>Jagat Adhiya</p><p>Global Software Support, Waters</p>