Local Console Controller Problems

<p><span>Hello </span></p><p></p><p><span>I have bought a LCC and after driverinstallation the lcc dosn`t connect with the uplc.</span></p><p><span>Message on the controler " connect to 168.............." then the error message "connection failt"</span></p><p><span>What i am doing wrong ?</span></p><p></p><p><span>The two led on the colum manager switch shine orange and green but they doesn`t flash.</span></p><p></p><p><span>geetings ralf</span></p>


  • I suspect it initially tries to connect to the device at the IP address beginnng with 168 then determines failure of communication thereafter. It is difficult to determine exactly. I will suggest to verify that your system meets the minimum requirements listed on Page 1 of the release notes.

    On starting up the LCC a tranfer file runs and uploads on installation, during this synchronization process the files are verified. If synchronization fails the LCC will can not function. The verify files can the be checked manually or reinstalling the LCC Driver. When installation is successfull the instrument IP address becomes available. If all else fails you should contact your local Waters Technical Support or Field Service Engineer.

    Best Regards,
