Acquity Plates and Caps

<p><span>I need to find a good seal for 96 well plates that I would like to run on the ACQUITY. Samples contain volatile solvents and will be repeating injections. Goal is to have the ACQUITY running unoperated for many days. The Aluminum foil is an OK seal, but need something better. The sealing caps are not easily piercable. Any suggestions?</span></p><p><span> Thanks</span></p>


  • lizh

    Quick question, do you have a SS needle installed and can I have your Sample Manager S/N that will change the recommendations that we make.

    Many TX

  • lizh

    Attached is the Waters guide to vials and caps for ACQUITY, for a stainless steel needle the options are wider.

  • Rune

    Hi there

    I had success using self-adhesive sealing film for microplates. Either transparent (tape like) or vinyl (black). Maybe you can use the same? I definitely prefer these films than aluminum foil or Parafilm.