Empower controlled UPLC

<p><span>I have some peptide mapping projects created and performed on an Alliance/Empower system previously. Can I restore Alliance backup project to the UPLC through Empower for further analysis? </span></p><p><span>I have tried to restore a previous backup project in a Shared drive to a new BioAlliance/Empower, but failed with some error message "missing .exe ... backup" and with all the .dat files disappeared from the folder !?! I am a bit worried. Any explanation and suggestion? Fortuantely, I still have the original set of data in the old Alliance.</span></p>


  • lizh


    We should be able to restore projects.

    Our recommendation would be to log a call with the local support organization and ask that they follow up.

    You should be able to restore a project from one machine to another as long as they are on the same or newer version of Empower.

    We cannot deduce the issue from your description of the behaviour.

    Best regards,
