Message: Drawing sample rate excessive

<p>Hi,</p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>In the message center we get the message</p><p style="height: 8pt"/><table border="1"><tbody><tr><td><p>Drawing sample rate excessive (-12.5)</p></td></tr></tbody></table><p style="height: 8pt"/><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>Does anyone knows what it means and what the cause is?</p><p style="height: 8pt"/><p>Greetings</p><p>Ramses</p>


  • lizh


    The error message describes what is happening. Your syringe speed is too high and is causing cavitation. Probably the viscosity of the sample diluent is high. SImply lower the speed. If 200 uL/min try 100 uL/min etc.

    Can you let me know where you are, just reply privately and I will ensure that your local support personnel help you with some of the method settings.

    Good luck