% Deviation field not populating after processing
Best Answer
I think there are two % deviation fields in Empower- the one that isnt populating in your peak table is linked to Control Samples- if you inject a control sample and you enter a value for that sample in the component editor, Empower calculates the % deviation between the entered value and the calculated value and that % deviation is calculated a certain way depending on how the system policy is set up. If you have the privilege you can View> System Policies from the Configuration Menu and see how it is done. From memory, the two ways are: Control Value-Actual Value/Control Value *100 and Actual Value-Control Value/Actual Value *100.
Because you havent entered any values for control samples, the % deviation is blank.
The other % deviation is in-built and linked to the calibration curve for each standard injection and Empower will always automatically calculate the % deviation, or difference, between the entered X value for that standard injection and the actual amount obtained (using the area or whatever Y value you select in the processing method and the calibration plot/curve). To get that % deviation value included in a report method, in the tree on the left of the report method menu, select LC Calibration Point tables and then the Point Information table, and the % deviation is included in that table.0
Thank you, that's very helpful!0