Can't turn off Agilent detector lamp with Empower 3 and Agilent ICF 2.1 Hot Fix 1

<p>We are in the process of upgrading to Empower 3 SR2  HF2. When testing the Agilent ICF 2.1 HF1 ICS for shutdown  instrument method of Agilent 1100 LC, we following the release notes by  enabling "Shutdown after Run" option under General tab, and entered 1 minute as the Stop time of the Quat. Pump, Flow rate 0 mL/min, VWD Stoptime is "As Pump/Injector" (default value). </p><p></p><p>When we run the sequence, we added the last row in sample set as condition column with the method set using the shutdown method above with 1 minute run time, but the run continues going above 1 minutes and has to be manually aborted after 10 minutes. The lamp is also still on. </p><p></p><p>For those of you using the Agilent ICF 2.1 HF1 under Empower 3, is there anything else we need to do to enable the  lamp off function in Empower 3?</p>


  • Looks like I might find the answer myself. In Empower 3, shutdown method is specified when executing sample set under the "Run Sample Set" window. User need to point to the shutdown method and check "Do Not Run Shutdown Method During User Abort". Shutdown method is no longer part of the sample set method.

    This is totally different from Empower 2 design. Empower 2 requires user to use the last raw of the sample set to specify an instrument method for shutdown with "condition column" function.