Can I change "bypass" name?

<p>Our UPLC is equipped with a column manager. Recently we purchased a 30cm column heater to expand UPLC ability to run HPLC methods. The installation is done by waters. The waters specialist redirected the "bypass" line into the column heater as the inlet. I am wondering if we can change the "bypass" name into something else like "column heater"? In that case, it will be less confusing for my coworkers who have less UPLC knowledge. </p>


  • lizh


    This is a good suggestion. The s/w engineer suggests a per-system configuration of the descriptor for the bypass position. Of course, this would only appear in the Console.

    Would this work? I have submitted a request in s/w for this the request/ID numbers is SCR #21407

    Of course, this would have to be reconciled with user documentation and instrument labeling, so it would ahve to await the next version release.

    Let me know


  • TCheng

    Sounds great! Certainly I'd like the idea that I can label the valve. Thanks!

  • lizh

    This is a very reasonable request and we will move forward with it, thank you for letting us know
