Adding Remote Reference for Millenium Toolkit VS Project


I am new to Empower Toolkit but would greatly appreciate some help with this issue. I am currently trying to write an application using the Millennium Toolkit in Visual Studio 2012. Currently I just want to work with UserClass and UserGroupClass objects, but I'm having trouble logging in to the toolkit initially. I have tried adding the miltk.dll file as a reference in my project when configuring the Empower Toolkit but it returns the error that it cannot be added as a reference. Since I can't add that reference, the objects I refer to in the Visual Basic script are not working. Would adding the .dll file as a reference to a project running on a different server than the Toolkit installation allow me to log in to the toolkit? If not, can I connect to the Toolkit using a different method? Thank you. 


  • The easiest is to install the Empower Client software on your development PC.
    This will give you as well much more opportunities. In general, the Toolkit is making heavy use of parts of the Empower software so a lot of things you may want to try in the future will be possible only if the Empower Client is installed.