Boolean CF doesn`t work

Hi all,
My injection contains four peaks. My system suitability criterion is: The peak areas must increased from peak to peak.
I created a Peak, Boolean CF (Use as Text)
Translation 1: does not comply   Translation 2: complies

Unfortunately it doesn`t work...  Is it not possible to add more conditions in one formula?

Thanks in advance!


  • I would leave it as Use as Position and change the formula to multiply each condition against itself. If each condition is true, then that's 1*1*1*1 = 1, which will correspond to your translation in position 1. So change the formula to.

    (GT(Peak2[Area],Peak1[Area]))*(GT(Peak3[Area],Peak2[Area]))*(GT(Peak4[Area],Peak3[Area])) and put in Complies for position 1. Maybe call the custom field with a letter greater than the name of Peaks 1 to 4, too. if peak 1 is A, peak 2 is B, peak 3 is C and peak 4 is D, call this CF SysSuit. That should work.

  • I just tested it out on sample data and it works fine for me, even if the naming of the CF is called A_test which I tried. I think the alphabetical naming only applies when summary custom fields depend on each other ie Average_Area calculated before RSD_Area etc. Doesn't seem to apply for non-summary CFs. Also, my formula was slightly off, you don't need the extra parenthesis. This is the correct one, I also had Result Set Only,Use as Position, All sample and peak types and it worked fine when I reviewed raw data:


  • Juwe
    If have tested your proposal: GT(Peak2[Area],Peak1[Area])*GT(Peak3[Area],Peak2[Area])*GT(Peak4[Area],Peak3[Area])
    Yeah - it works! Thanks!

    But I don`t understand your comment:
    "Maybe call the custom field with a letter greater than the name of Peaks 1 to 4, too. if peak 1 is A, peak 2 is B, peak 3 is C and peak 4 is D, call this CF SysSuit. That should work."

    But maybe it is not that important, because the CF I wanted to create is now working... ;)

  • Hi Juwe. My comment was about the naming convention of custom fields. In general, you should name custom fields that depend on each other in alphabetical order, particularly for summary custom fields, because summary CFs are only calculated by alphabetical order so if you had a CF called SAME.%..%RSD(Amount) and it was called RSD then you had another CF called SAME.%..AVE(Amount) and called it Average you couldn't create a third CF that subtracts them (RSD-Average) because the RSD hasn't been calculated yet as its greater in alphabet than Average so for summary CFs they need to named in order.

    It doesn't seem to be an issue with the CF I told you. Glad it worked!

  • Juwe
    Thanks for your detailed explanation. Good to know, as I was not aware of this before. :)