Unable login from Citrix- empower

While logging into empower , Citrix receiver window display with green bar, then it will disappear and no longer display anything.


  • MJS
    Sounds like a Citrix related issue.  Can you log into the Citrix server directly to launch the application directly to test things out?  Test that Empower does indeed launch successfully on the server itself?  If that works, then you likely have to troubleshoot the Citrix receiver app...uninstall/re-install perhaps?  What sort of resources do you have for server support for troubleshooting things?
  • Thank you, after logoff session in Citrix server, I am able to launch app.
  • Usually, if a Citrix session gets hung and quits working, it will shut down and log the user off after a specified time (frequently 15 minutes). It's hard to see when this happens from a Citrix session, but it is nice that it will usually sort itself out after that time has passed, and maybe a reboot of the client PC. If you can remote to the Citrix server desktop, these sessions are very easy to spot and end when they go bad. 
  • Since I have access to the Citrix servers there are several easy commands to check logons. From your desktop command prompt you can list all the users and their session# like this;
       QUERY USER /SERVER:ServerName
    Find the username that is having issues and force that session# nn closed like this;
      RESET SESSION nn /SERVER:ServerName

    Run the first Query User command again to check and the user should be clear to logon again. ~ John

  • JCarter280 said:...
    Since I have access to the Citrix servers there are several easy commands to check logons. From your desktop command prompt you can list all the users and their session# like this;...

    or you can just open task manager, which includes a users tab on a Cx desktop.