Queued sample sets Empower 3

If I put on 5 runs in Empower 3 and halfway through the second run there is a failure like missing vial or instrument error etc, do I lose the 3 queued runs? I know there is a box called Dormant on the Sample Sets tab when you queue runs but I don't know what it means. Can I not just re-run these unacquired samples sets the next day or two without having to create new sample sets? I think there is an option called Load Previous Samples but im not sure, does anyone know more? Thanks. 


  • Yes, if you have queued sample sets and one fails, then they all stop.

    Yes, you can simply resubmit the unrun sample sets when ever you notice it. If the sample set never actually started, there won't be an entry created in the sample set tab of the Empower project.

    Yes, if you click the Load Sample Information button of the sample set editor, you can then select "load using a previously created sample set method". You can then scroll through the list to find the ones that didn't run.

    I've either never seen or never noticed this dormant box. Can you post a screenshot or describe where it appears?

  • Hi Shaunwat, thanks for the reply. I cant screenshot right now but if you queue up a few sample sets and click the "Sample Sets" tab it displays a list of the next sample sets in queue. One of the fields in this table is "Dormant" and it was unticked when I saw it, im not sure what has to happen for it to be ticked. 
  • That must be a new(er) feature that was added. We are running a base version of Empower 3 and it's not a column from the queued sample sets tab and I am unable to find it in the help.

    I've got a later version of Empower on a different laptop installed in a standalone environment. I will have to take a look at that and see what I can find out.

  • Ill screenshot it next week and give you a better view.