

Is anyone out there using Empower Driven Services? My employer has a few licenses for EDS 365 and of course my management has started to ask me to implement this for analytics information...

If you are using Empower Driven Services, what are you using it for and what have you found to be the most useful way of mining and providing information to others?

Best Answer

  • SamHao
    Answer ✓
    We do not use EDS 365 now, but I was interested in it and attended a web demo. From my understanding, it extracts the meta data from Empower into another database and then you can run various reports to generate summary based on the need, such as the list of the samples run on a particular system in the specified date range, or the samples run by certain user in specified date range. Compared to the built-in report in Empower 3, this is more extensive and not limited to the data currently in Empower now. The benefit is that if you need to do historical review for investigation, it can give you the list of the related information quickly. It's built on Empower toolkit. If you are comfortable with VB programming, then it is not too hard to create a similar program to achieve the same purpose. The limitation is that the out of box solution only has several fixed reports, so it might not cover all your needs. They do provide the option to customize the report/code to extract extra information based on your need, but you might have to pay extra fee. Another concern is that it doesn't have qualification documents, so user have to do in-house qualification if you use it for GMP purpose.

    If your environment already has Nugenesis SDMS and archive the Empower data using file capture, then you can get a lot of similar information directly from SDMS as well.