Making a default Samples window column view.

At work we have many different projects in Empower.

Would it be possible to create a Table Preference for all projects in the Samples window? Like there would be "Alter Sample", "Sample Set Method" and my preferences ("CustomPref").

How can I achieve that? Or do I have to create that for every project?


  • DavidHPLC, table preferences are saved per User and per Project, but with permission you can copy preferences between users and projects.  However, if you are looking to adapt the buttons available, currently this feature is only possible in the REVIEW window.
  • Heather, I would like to copy Table Preference I created ("CustomPref") to multiple projects. (how) Can it be done?
  • You need to locate the "Manage Preferences" option. 'Help' will assist you in locating that. or maybe call your local expert center for further assistance.
  • I was unsucessful in finding "Manage Preferences" option via help. Did you mean "Copy preferences" (Configuration Manager, View, Copy preferences)?

  • Open View Filters, select the line, right mouse and copy to project.
  • Table preference is not a filter.