Custom Field ?

<p>It seems like this should be easy so maybe I'm just have a brain lapse but can someone help with the following:</p><p></p><p>I need to calculate the %RSD of the area for two samples that are on separate lines in the sample set.  I have to use a custom field rather than doing this in the report for other reasons.</p><p>I also can't use SAME.%.%.%RSD(Area) as the labels are not the same and can't be the same as they are being used for other filtering.</p><p></p><p>How can I get the %RSD for these two without using the labels?</p><p></p><p>Thanks,</p><p>Chris</p>

Best Answer

  • ChrisY
    Answer ✓

    Thanks for the reply but as I stated in my post, I can't use the report for the %RSD calculation as I am doing some checking on the result (i.e. is the %RSD in a certain range).  I figured out a way to do this which is why I marked the question as 'assumed answered'.  Thank you for your reply though.


  • MJS

    Seeing that nobody has replied...

    A simple way might be to create a custom field, let's call it "Pairing" (Sample/text entry field) where you specify in the sample set "A" for the two that you want paired, "B" for another pair, etc.  Then, on the report, you can then filter based solely on this secondary label since this label has no impact on processing and have the report calculate the %RSD.  I'd like this option if it would work simply because it doesn't have a custom field that requires any sort of significant verification/validation as it is just text entry and the report can very clearly demarcate which two values are being used in the %RSD function.  I do something similar to this for content samples where sometimes I have a less-than-standard quantity of 10 like only 3 or 5 for R&D testing and that way I can run multiple groups within a single set of standard brackets, yet my report is written to account for this which makes the whole thing very robust.

  • You have to use Label but you can also use Wild Cards ? for a single character or % for any number of characters.

    The general formula is Label.Injection.Channel.%RSD(Area)

    Your formula: SAME.%.%.%RSD(Area works for all sample with the same Label

    It will also use any injection and any channel so if you have 2 channels it will not discriminate.  I normally use SAME for the channel instead of %.

    You can use 1 instead of % for the injection if you want to always use Injection 1 or you can use SAME for same injection which will make it summarize all injection 1 in samples with the same label and same channel.

    You can also use: S%.SAME.SAME.%RSD(Area) to summarize the same Injection in all samples starting with S and will do it on the same channel.